Best Value on the Web

We offer the best value of your product on all purchases.



We don't have sales every 5 minutes or "false discounts" marking up products so we can just advertise a sale. We offer a solid low price to start with on all of our products. When we do run a sale, we are bringing you a true additional savings because we want to share an additional discount that we may receive from our manufacturers.



We have one of the largest selections of products - on or off the Internet. has shopping by brand, type or project, different applications, and price. No matter how you shop, we have the selection to complete your project.



Since we have the selection, our website has the tools to help you find it. Organized by categories and powerful search drill-down tools to narrow by almost any means. We constantly refine our search tool to provide the most relevant results. Even if you cannot locate your item online, we still have a human touch - our product specialists can find products based on your needs, make suggestions or answer any questions to help you get the right item.



We use over 50 warehouses and partner with over 20 vendors to ship an item as fast as possible, even when on backorder. If an item has been sold out or is made-on-order, we often can ship direct from a manufacturer to you. Most of our smaller products (lighting and accessories) can be shipped by expedited means, faster than just ground shipping to help you if time is a factor.



We help. Often, you walk into a store and someone may point you in the correct direction, but can they answer a technical question? We offer trained staff who provide the help you need, available by phone, email, fax, written or online live-chat. We even call a manufacturer on your behalf to solve a problem. Service does NOT stop at the order, but continues through order completion and beyond.



Secure checkout, encrypted payment information, protected privacy, screened employees, post-order fraud assessment, hacker tests, and more. Click here to view all the ways we protect your information and make the safest place to shop on the web.

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